This page offers full information on your digital interview with UnmutedCo.
This page offers full information on your digital interview with UnmutedCo.
Have you fallen ill? Do you need to reschedule? It’s recommended that you notify your Recruiting Partner of your inability to attend your interview or a need to reschedule within 24 hours. If you do not have contact information for your recruiting partner, responding to your interview confirmation should suffice.
Failure to show for an Unmutedco interview may make any applicant ineligible for consideration for up to 180 days.
We believe that we are outstanding. Not because we say it, but because we work hard at it. We are dedicated, committed and focused. We believe that every person will reach their personal best and overcome any challenge through a shared culture and ethos.
UMCO provides you with a TEST ROOM to test your connection prior to your scheduled interview. Please use this room to test your access and ability to join your interview prior to Interview Day. Inability to connect or install software will not be a suitable reason to miss your interview. Microsoft Teams is an industry standard tool and all interviews are conducted virtually until further notice. Should you need further accommodations (ADA-compliance), please contact your Recruiting Partner or interviewadacompliance@unmutedco.com
Don’t Panic.
From time to time, our reporting managers are overbooked or may be running behind. We will never leave you waiting for extended periods of time without notice. Please join your interview at least 5 minutes early and wait at least 5 minutes for your interviewer(s) to join. Should no one join your interview within 15 minutes, please contact your Recruiting Partner immediately.
We are just as excited for you to join our team as you are! While you may hear initial feedback sooner, you should receive feedback and information on next steps within 48-72 business hours. If you have completed a final interview and are waiting for offer details, please reach out to your Recruiting Partner if it has been more than 72 business hours.
Standard UMCO INTERVIEWS are not recorded. You will not be taped, recorded or broadcast without explicit permission. Non-standard interviews may not comply with this policy.
If you are interviewing for a role in our Media, News or Education division, please verify this with your Recruiting Partner.